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GRABPAY to DISKARTECH: Transfer Funds for FREE


Need to transfer funds from a GrabPay account to a Diskartech account? Do it for FREE!
Last update: August 10, 2022

As of August 10, 2022, Grab is now charging service fees for transfers to other banks/wallets. No alternative FREE routes found for now.

Transfer via Grab App
Note: This option requires you to have a Verified GrabPay account.
Transfer Mode: InstaPay

1. Go to the Grab App and login.
2. Click on Transfer - Send to Bank Account, enter amount, then click on Add Recipient/New Recipient.
3. Enter account details, choose RCBC as Bank name. (Yes, bank name is not a typo, it should be RCBC for transferring to your Diskartech account).
4. Enter your Diskartech Account Number. 
5. Follow the subsequent in-app instructions.

Happy transferring!
